You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) April 03, 2002 - 9:33 a.m.

University is truly trying to kill me. It's got like knives and torture devices and stuff.

Anyway, I had a good Easter. It all began the night before when, for some reason, we all brought out every single candle we'd ever owned into the living room and lit them all. There were about fifty candles and the light that came off them all was probably equivalent to maybe a two-watt light bulb if the wind was right. I say, thumbs up to other modes of lighting.

So that was really fun. The next day, we did our easter egg hunt thing. This is where we hunt for easter eggs. Then we ate them and made some of our own candles. Because even though they can't light stuff very well, they're cool. I made a stripey candle and some others. I used wicks that turned out to melt and become toxic when you lit them. Roland made a candle mould out of a cardboard roll. You have to smother the outside of those little suckers with sticky tape, or else expect a warm wax explosion.

Anyway, yes. I'm sure you're glued to the screen with candle making news, so I'll let you go and play outside now.


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