You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) February 01, 2002 - 11:55 a.m.

I went and saw Peaches last night. I guess it was pretty good, but it reminded me a lot of the Runaways, except with less instruments.

I thought I would like the stage show more than the music, but in fact, it was the other way around. The music was pretty fucking catchy. I still have �Shake your dick and shake your tits� stuck in my head. And the antics on stage were, well, pretty much in the same vein as and as daggy as Marilyn Manson, which is pretty darn daggy. But, hey. I could tell all the thrusting was heartfelt.

My favourite part of the evening was the support act, Cobra Killer. They were funny and made sweet pounding noise. They were pretty much like a typical Digital Hardcore band, which is always nice. Anyway, Cobra Killer surfed over the audience a lot, hula-hooped their way through a song called Helicopter 666, and waved around flags every now and then. It was cool.

Then I got home way too late and had to leave an elaborate lie on the answering machine at work so I could sleep in saying I was 'enrolling at uni in the morning'.

I've 'enrolled at uni in the morning' about five times now. If you're onto a good thing, stick to it, guy.

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