You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) January 27, 2002 - 1:19 a.m.

Heavens, child.

Tonight, I saw Mulholland Drive. It had many hallmarks of the David Lynch style, which is probably a good thing. Here they are.

  • Someone turned into someone else and there were some of the same people around but they weren't actually the same either. The audience got confused.
  • Sometimes, people spoke very slowly and said cliche or confusing stuff at each other while pausing in between a lot. The audience got confused.
  • Sometimes, there were bits that could have been dreams but might not have been dreams either. The audience got confused.
  • Sometimes, there were unconventional sex scenes that didn't seem to be entirely called for, but in afterthought, suited the film nicely. The audience got confused.
  • Sometimes, there were really tiny people. They didn't dance around under a radiator, but they did run under a closed door and then they got big. The audience got confused.
  • Sometimes, there was a scary guy with a bulbous head who had a lot of power that in one way or another affected the outcome of the story. The audience got confused.

    I liked the film a lot.

    I haven't seen the Straight Story yet, mostly because I'm not ordinarily interested in movies about guys who ride their lawnmowers across America to visit their brothers. But maybe I will try.

    The most important thing I came away with after seeing Mulholland Drive was to look out for old people who smile more than necessary. This is a valuable thing to know as they mean trouble.

    Cherry Soda [prev | list | join | next]