You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) January 27, 2002 - 1:22 a.m.

Rosie and I went to the Museum today. We went there to learn things.

The only thing I learned during the entire restless two hours of being there was what the pancreas did. The rest just didn't manage to absorb itself into my brain, perhaps because I didn't actually pay attention to anything else.

There were dinosaur bones, but there weren't that many. There were scientific things where you could press buttons and listen to your blood gushing and all that jazzy stuff, and there were lame displays showing what Melbourne was like in the 1950s. Basically the only fascinating thing was a big room full of photographs of aboriginies from the time of the invention of the camera until nowadays.

I ate an icy-pole. Then my pancreas helped digest it by making tasty juices.

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