You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 11, 2005 - 12:57 p.m.

Paola and I had the idea that we could make our own face masks.

She said, "Clare, do you like face masks?"

I said, "Only the masked ball types. I don't like dressing up as demons or aliens."

It turned out that she meant the type of face mask that you smear all over your face in the name of clearing up your skin or something similar. And so we went on the net and found some recipes. Then we invented our own recipe. We used:

  • six teaspoons of honey
  • one teaspoon of olive oil
  • stacks of oat bran
  • an egg
  • a grated apple.

    I think that's all.

    It doesn't work very well. It leaps off your face as soon as you put it on, and the bathroom gets covered in globs of brown. It only gives off the illusion of cleaning your face due to the fact that you have to wash it all off with water and a face washer.

    And so the moral of the story is, don't do it. Otherwise, you could bake the mixture in the oven as it would make a very nice apple crumble.

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