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(diaryland) September 12, 2005 - 9:19 p.m.

I'm sort of pissed off today.

A few weeks ago, my friend said that she was going to do an essay about this guy composer who wrote his compositions on paper like most composers do, except he said that you could shuffle around the papers and play them in any order.

She did this cool essay that everyone loves that she did in such a way that you can shuffle around the pages and read them in any order, but it all makes perfect sense any which way you arrange it, just like the composer. The lecturer loves it, and he showed lots of faculty members and they all think it's the best thing since sliced bread. She is so chuffed about it. She told this guy in our class about it today and he thought it was fantastic.

The thing is, I was the one who thought of it. I said to her, she should do it. She said, can I? I said, yes! Then she went and did exactly what I told her she should do. She never told anyone it was my idea.

This wouldn't be so bad if she was an average student. The thing is, she always gets the best marks in the class, so everybody will chalk that idea up to her usual excellent skillz.

And there will my boring conventional essay be, sitting there sadly, trying to hide the way it's way over the word limit and even without cool colour pictures to help it along.

After the lecture today, she ran up to the lecturer and said, "Have you read it yet? Have you read it yet?"


I will tell you who.

Oh, I already did.

I feel murky.

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