You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) August 22, 2005 - 4:50 p.m.

So, anyway, I was sitting there, minding my own biz in choir.

I still can't believe I do choir.

But anyway, in the middle of the class for some reason - I still don't know how the hell the conductor got onto the subject - but he needed to know what the last name of that puny, whiny kid Wesley from Star Trek was. He was muttering to himself, "Wesley Klingon? No..... that's not it...."

And so, to put him out of his misery, I yelled out, "Crusher! Wesley Crusher!"

Then he perked up and said, "Ah, yes! That's it! Wesley Crusher!" Then a dark mood overtook his face, and he said, "YOU WATCH STAR TREK! YOU WATCH STAR TREK! A-HAHAHAAAAAAAA! NERD! NERD! NERD!" I swear to god, he pointed at me and chanted, "NERD!" This was the conductor, yes?

Everyone else fully turned around and laughed at me. This was maybe up to 60 people. They laughed at me for a long time, and very loudly. I went totally red and started to fan myself with a piece of paper because I thought I was going to melt into a blob of shame about knowing who Wesley Crusher was. It wasn't fun laughter. It was like the beginning of some sinister event where I would end up hanging from a tree wearing a red skivvy. It also reminded me of something that would happen in Revenge of the Nerds. I think I need to join Lambda Lambda Lambda for some kind of protection.

Anyway, the only reason why I know Wesley Crusher is because he is my most hated character in the history of television. What a horrible snotty boy.

And now he has done me wrong again.

I will get him.


From the Star Trek site: "Wesley has a birthmark in the buttocks or groin area and is allergic to metorapan treatments. In the Nova Squadron crash he suffered second-degree burns on his chest and a multiple fracture in the right arm."


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