You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) April 01, 2005 - 3:18 p.m.

I had my first Mobile Piano Teacher lesson yesterday. It was hard because I got lost way over the other side of the city from where I usually go, and I was running around with a giant case full of music I didn't know would be useful or not. I'd drawn this little shaky map with one or two street names on it, which incidentally were wrong, and so I caught some random tram which rattled along for half an hour, ran diagonally through my old university which took an awfully long time, dodged a whole bunch of fire engines who were standing around the architecture faculty building (yeah, I would have torched the building too if I had had the time in 5th year), then leapt onto some other random tram, which was the right one, but I thought was the wrong one because I'd drawn my map wrong. I kept plying the tram driver with questions about where the hell we were, and he kept handing me all sorts of different brochures through a little slot in the plexiglass.

I think I will drive next time.

But, anyway, I got to this child's house really late and then I banged on the door. The whole place was dark and ancient, and full of rose bushes, which was kind of interesting because I think that's what the piano teacher's house should look like, instead of the piano student. Oh, well.

Anyway, there was nobody there. I banged and banged on the door. I was freaking out. The Mum had said it had a white picket fence on the outside. I hadn't been able to see a street sign. Maybe I was knocking on some totally unrelated person's door who wasn't at home.

Suddenly, a whole bunch of people piled out of a giant Land Rover thing. They ran towards me. "Sorry we're late!" they said. They were my family.

And so, I proceeded to teach part of Fur Elise to a girl, which was hard because I'd never actually officially leant it myself, and neither of us had a copy of the music. And yet, by miracle, I taught her approximately half a page. I'm magical.

But then, I was all like, "Bye!" and we arranged for our next lesson and shit, and then the child showed me out the door, and then I fell down in her garden.

She saw me do it.


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