You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) September 07, 2004 - 2:49 p.m.

I accidentally trapped someone I didn't know very well on Friday in a hallway and then proceeded to talk really boringly at them for a really long time and they couldn't get a word in edgeways and they obviously wanted to leave because I was boring them like crazy but I just kept spiralling down into this whole scape of boringness and I knew I was doing it and I felt crazy and I just couldn't stop for some reason. I was like this, "blahh blahhh blahhhhh.........." for ages. I didn't even clearly know what I was talking about. I think I had to keep going becuase I was trying to come to some sort of coherent point. We were both scared.

Finally, the person I was talking to, who was by this time desperately looking around, found some kind of escape by suddenly running after some person who had lost their beanie or some such thing.

I was so relieved.

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