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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 27, 2004 - 5:20 p.m.

Clare says: hey. one time, me and roland went to the doctor to get our arses checked. i can't remember why. and the doctor peered deep into our arses, and said that we were fine. i can't remember why the hell we thought there was something wrong with our arses.

Clare says: so the moral of the story is, get it checked out.

Clare says: cos it won't be as bad as getting your arse checked.

M says: That sounds awful!!! Was this prior to Roly getting the boil removed?

Clare says: yes.

Clare says: that boil was more on his butt.

M says: Uh, was it like the Derryn Hinch ad?

Clare says: i don't know that ad.

M says: He is talking to the camera on his side, telling men to get their asses checked, and then the camera pans and we realise he's just has his checkup. But it has to do with men, and bowel stuff. I don't think it's aimed at chicks because we have less incidence or something. I am glad your ass was well

Clare says: yeah. it was really weird, because the whole experience was really relaxing. like, having a doctor open up your buttcheeks and look right into your arsehole with a torch could easily be an embarrassing experience. but when it happened, it was actually kinda groovy.

M says: You are a very corageous soul. I am squeamish and painfully shy about all things bodily, especially when it comes to the butt/boob regions. Last time a doc came at me with a stethoscope (many years ago), I actually grabbed it off him, and tried to position it myself...

Clare says: ha ha! for some reason, ever since i got my appendix out, i have been really cool with stuff like that. i guess having strangers hang around your groin for a few days really changes things.

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