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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 14, 2004 - 11:06 a.m.

I find out my university marks today or tomorrow. I don't know when.

Apparently, my phone might get a message at any time and suddenly give me my marks. This could be pretty traumatic.

I don't think I failed because if one does fail, apparently one gets concerned e-mails straight after one's exams. And I haven't gotten one. So that's a relief. But when you're in your very first semester, you just don't know what the marks are going to be like. They could be absolutely anything. All I can remember about my technical exam over a month ago is that I kind of stuffed up a lot. And for my other subject I kept handing in assignments which weren't double-spaced. I don't know why I never double-spaced them, because all throughout my architecture degree(s), I double-spaced everything. Maybe I lost marks from not double-spacing. Also, I kept doing assignments right before they were due in. That's always bad.

After my first semester, I fall into a rut and pretty much continue getting exactly the same marks every single time. I can say this for sure because I'm onto my third undergraduate degree. I know; I'm a sick fuck.

One thing I've noticed is that Monash University is a lot nicer than Melbourne University. Melbourne University is full of snooty people and the lecturers think they are the most amazing things ever to grace the earth, which means they are always quite busy and are never in their offices. Also, their music conservatorium scared the shit out of me. By contrast, Monash University seems to be full of cool people who are cool and do cool things like live in the suburbs. Even the lecturers do that. Things happen like the piano professor's kid coming to say hi to his mum while she's trying to teach and stuff.

But, hey. My opinion might change about Monash University after I get my marks, you know.

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