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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) July 12, 2004 - 10:19 a.m.

God, I got the crappest sleep last night.

At about 5:30ish I had the misfortune of watching the scariest documentary I'd ever seen. In fact, I only saw the last fifteen minutes of it, but it was still the scariest ever. It was about an abandoned video camera that was found in the Paris catacombs that appeared to have an owner that was probably still stuck somewhere inside. The Paris catacombs are fucking large, winding and confusing, plus they're also fucking dark, being several hundred feet under the ground and all squeezy in places and stuff. It appears this guy was using the night vision thing on the video camera to see where he/she was going so they could get out, except the batteries ran out. They taped part of where they were going, so this team decided to go down there and try and find out where this person had gotten to, and then rescue them.

Finally, after squeezing through many holes, and seeing many bizarre and frightening things, they found the place where the last images on the video was. There was a chalk image of a splayed person on the wall of a T-intersection of passages. It scared the shit out of me. This was more than 200 feet underground. The investigation team went right, because that's the way the video went. Then they saw an arrow made out of sticks on the ground. This was somehow even more scary. Then, they came to a room that was covered in bones, probably about two feet deep. The leader of the team walked all over the bones into the room and said, "This is the gate to hell." At the time, I believed him. They never found the lost person.

Then, I read some of The House of Leaves before I went to bed. This made things worse.

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