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(diaryland) May 18, 2004 - 3:33 p.m.

I made my debut as a page-turner yesterday.

This involved sitting next to a harpsichord in the auditorium and turning some very slippery pages at the appropriate time for a girl who was playing. Also, there was a girl playing recorder, but she didn't need no page-turning. She was reading her music off some crazy woodcut prints. It was some very early twiddly Baroque piece.

Luckily, the harpsichord player had a version printed in the last century, so I could actually read it. I was good, except for this part when I zoned out and got lost. I thought, "Oh, bugger. I think I'd better turn........ now-ish."

This was the wrong decision. The harpsichord girl whispered noisily, "NOT YET!" so I wiggled the slippery page back and forth a bit so she got lost too and then I sat back down again with a thud. I think I kind of ruined the performance. I did, however, get a special clap at the end.

The special clap meant that I was a dud.

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