You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) February 18, 2004 - 9:41 a.m.

Tomorrow, at a hellishly early time, I will be flying in an aeroplane to the capital city of my little island.

I still don't quite know why I decided to book the flight to go at 6:10AM, meaning that waking up just to get there on time has to take place at about 3:30AM.

Why, Clare, why?

The whole point of getting a flight so hellishly early was so there'd be an entire huge day to do things like visit parliament house and see the museum and stuff. But I think I may be too grumpy that day.

In other news, I played at a bar last night. Before we were meant to start, I played some very twiddly classical music on the piano because I felt like showing off. I played some Franz Liszt music, which was specifically designed to make you sound like top shit when you play it. If you know me, you know that getting me to play something is usually a lot like squeezing orange juice out of a stone. But, nobody seemed to be listening and that's when I like to play things.

I like being background music.

At the bar, I met the neatest, most perfect-looking person ever. She was a Venezuelan lady. She had perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect fingernails and perfect skin, and she was frighteningly nice. You could have taken a photo of her then and there and put her on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine and it would have been the most fantastic cover ever. Her husband was scruffy.

The Ceremony.

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