You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) December 28, 2001 - 3:52 p.m.

OK. Finally I am awake enough to write in this thing again.

I might tackle writing about my Christmas soon. It was good. I just stayed up a lot.

Anyway, I went and saw Lord of the Rings last night. It was about a bunch of blokes of varying sizes running around and killing monsters. I liked it because when a very big monster came, the huge bass noise accompanying its entrance would make the air vibrate something chronic and tickle my ankles. It felt fun.

I've never read Lord of the Rings, but I did read the Hobbit when I was small and I got a bit nerdy and knew how to write in runes and stuff. And my Dad is the biggest JRR Tolkien fan on the planet, except for all the other biggest JRR Tolkien fans on the planet. So I kind of knew what to expect. And it was pretty much what I thought it would be. No more, no less. Gandalf was exactly the way I hoped him to be. Peter Jackson managed to infuse the whole thing with cute humor, so he avoided making the film turn out to be anything at all like those Conan the Barbarian movies, even though there were hairy, sweaty men in it.

Peter Jackson is a rad director.

One time, he directed a true-story film about two chicks who killed one of their mothers. My dad was living nearby when it really happened.

I might review Vanilla Sky next.

Fuck, Diane just came home and got all bitchy with me. SHE MUST DIE! MWA-HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

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