You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 13, 2001 - 4:21 p.m.

After a grotesque bout of period pain, I went to look at a bunch of public housing apartments today. I chose the colour schemes for them. Me! All me! Mwa-hahahaaaaaa! Drug addicts will have to live in poverty with MY COLOURS!

They�re really quite nice colours.

I will show you photos when they are finished. Anyway, the reason why I went to them today was because one of the paint colours I chose was fucked, apparently. On the way, the supervisor guy was explaining just how fucked the colour I chose was. I thought, no way, man. It will look rad. I am invincible! But then I looked, and it was fucked. I thought the colour I picked was grey, but it was that evil shade of sky blue you sometimes find in baby boys� rooms. It was totally fucked.

The supervisor looked at me and asked in amazement, �What were you doing the day you picked that colour?�

I said, �I dunno.�

Smoking is bad! See?

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