You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) December 01, 2001 - 11:19 a.m.

So. I went and saw Ed Harcourt with May last night.

I give him a YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! out of 10.

I had evil amounts of fun.

But this chick, Abi Tucker, was there. If you aren't familiar with Australian TV shows or horrible, horrible shitty Australian music, then you won't know who she is. I have no idea what she was doing. She talked drunkenly all the way through poor tiny Ed's musical set, lost her wallet on the floor and loped around looking for it, and she seemed also to be trying to get Ed's manager into some kind of horizontal position. She kept touching him, touching him, touching him, on the back, pecking him on the cheek and stuff. Ed's manager ain't easy on the eyes. It was very annoying, because I kept looking at their sleaziness rather than watching the stage. They were directly in front of me.

Anyway, Ed was dreeeeeeeeeamy. He was standing in front of us while the support acts were playing. May wants him bad. He wore a nice velvety suit thing with purple tie. His hair flopped around a lot. He played piano real nice-like, and he has my guitar! Exact same type! Exact same colour, too! It made me feel special. He's also a dangerously funny guy. For some reason he played the Cheers theme song. And there were three encores.

Goddamn, it was fun.

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