You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) November 13, 2001 - 5:38 p.m.

So. I got really drunk on Friday night. There was a party at my house. It was Diane�s party, but mostly Roland�s friends came. It was a cocktail party. All I remember between about 12:30AM and 5:30AM was my glasses falling off, running down the street, and an in-depth conversation with Adrian about experimental Kletzmer music.

Anyway, the next day was the general election. I went to vote at about midday with Roland. I was still really, really drunk. Never had anything been so difficult in my life. The primary school, our local polling place, was crowded. I thought everyone was talking to me, and there were a lot of people talking. It was very confusing. Walking to the table to get my name ticked off required concentration. Then came the super-hard bit, which was the actual voting. I couldn�t figure out what to write. I decided to follow the Labor how-to-vote card, but which one was that?

Nevertheless, I managed to fill out the ballot papers. It took me ages to work out whether I was going to vote Greens or Democrats in the senate. I had no idea if I was thinking logically. It was very difficult getting the huge Senate paper in the tiny ballot box hole, especially because I didn�t feel like folding it up first.

That night, we watched Roy and H.G.�s election coverage on the telly. It was very funny. They had this thing where an interviewer asked silly questions to a real chief of police. The interviewer asked, �Now, do you think it�s a good idea to go and tell your neighbours when you go and vote so they can watch your house for you?� The chief of police said yes, and it was also a good idea to leave the radio on so it looked like you were at home. But Diane took it seriously! She said, �I hardly think someone�s going to rob your house in the two minutes it takes for you to go down the road and vote!�

She thinks she is the queen of comedy knowledge but she never actually knows when comedy is happening unless it�s overtly labelled. This makes life difficult for her.


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