You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) November 05, 2001 - 2:00 p.m.

Hi! I'm at work. Obviously working very, very hard as per usual.

Two dweebs turned up at my work today. They are very patronising. Like, the chick always says, "OOH! Have you done something to your hair?" Rosa doesn't like them either but my boss thinks that she loves these two dweebs because they are Korean, like her. You are Korean, Rosa! Therefore you must love all Koreans!

Anyway, Rosa wasn't at work today, so that was nice for her. But instead, they pestered me. They looked at a big 3D picture I'd drawn of a building with stuff that sticks out all over it. One of Rosa's designs, but, yeah, I drew the 3D picture for it.

They said, "OOOOOOH! WOW!!!!! You drew that yourself?!?!?! AMAZING!!!!!! So clever, aren't you? SO CLEVER! Just like a school project, huh?"

I said, "Yes! I am clever! May I have a lolly now?"

I didn't really. But I should have. They wouldn't have listened to my answer anyway.

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