You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) October 23, 2001 - 8:39 p.m.


On the weekend, I went away. To an unfinished house. In the country. There were no doors. There was no water. There was no noise. OK, well, there were frog sounds.

It was fun until it got dark. While it was still light, I drew a masterly picture of Roland's head. Here it is. Unfortunately, the scanner I used to get this on the net sucks, so it looks better in real life.

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's drawing things. I am actually very good. Bow down to me. The only problem is, Roland is the only person who will pose for me. If I knew someone who could draw as well as me, I'd be posing for them left, right and centre. In fact, I do. May is a very good drawing person, and I pose for her every now and then. BUT SHE NEVER POSES FOR ME. BITCH.

Anyway, when I was drawing Roland, Diane was within my field of vision. She said, "Argh! I'd better get out of the way or else you'll draw me!"

She doesn't realise that drawings aren't quite like photographs, and I don't have to draw absolutely everything my eyes rest upon. She will learn one day.

Anyway, then it became night. The stars looked tearjerkingly good. We got into our little sleeping bags in the doorless room, listened to a spot of Jeff Buckley, and then went to sleep at about 12AM.

We all woke up at about 3AM, because at that time, it suddenly became so inhumanly cold that it was absolutely impossible to even think of sleeping. Also, the house began to look really fucking scary. Diane had shown Rosie some photos of the unfinished house a few days before and she made the comment that the staircase looked like that house at the end of the Blair Witch Project. At 3AM, in the doorless house in the middle of the forest, I couldn't stop thinking about that. The house creaked and I thought some scary maniac was coming to kill us all. That made me really need to pee, but of course I was too frightened to get out of my sleeping bag. We were sleeping right up the top of the stairs, and it was too dark to see down them.

So I just lay there, tossing and turning and being scared, and my feet were freezing off like little fuckers. I shoved a pillow down my sleeping bag, but it totally did nothing.

Then the goddamn sun came up. In the doorless, curtainless unfinished house, that meant we all had to wake up. I finally got the courage to go have a piss just as the sun was almost about to come up, and when I ran back up, Wesley got the shock of his life because he hadn't heard me go downstairs so then he thought I was the maniac. It was funny afterwards.

After lying there, starting at Roland for hours, I saw him open his eyes. Finally. It had been sunny for ages. "What's the time?" I asked.

He looked at his watch. "Ten past six," he said.

I couldn't believe it. It felt like afternoon already. Everyone's eyes had receded far into their heads. We'd been planning to leave the house at ten, but since we were up so frigging early, we left at eight. I was in a shit mood for the rest of the day.

I can draw very well, though.

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