You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) October 14, 2001 - 11:34 a.m.

I went to see the Butthole Surfers on Friday night and it was fun.

Roland and I had absolute prime position - we were standing a little to the right of the stage on a fairly high kind of place and we even had elbow room and stuff. No-one was even dancing like a maniac behind me or anything at all. It rocked. IT ROCKED!

Oh, yeah. And the band was good. I didn't expect there to be so many crazy vocal effects, which was nice. They played many fun classic songs like 'I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas' and '22 Going on 23' and others which I always forget the names of. I am not good at knowing the names of songs, especially Butthole Surfers songs. They played new songs too like 'Pepper' and two from their new album. Which was nice. They didn't play 'John E Smoke', though.

They had their big screen with disturbing images on it behind them. If they played a song that was in the least bit uplifting in any way, they'd put on the most disturbing thing they could think of on that screen, so you'd feel guilty for bopping along. I don't know whether it was the headless car-crash body, the backwards Charlie's Angels episode, or the circumcision montage that scared the shit out of me the most. Though I have this huge phobia about seeing things play backwards, it was probably the headless body that made me the most queasy. No for me for a few months, methinks. I think they might be very familiar with the Mondo video catalogue.

Suddenly, halfway through the concert, I realised the Butthole Surfers are goddamn funky and you can get your groove on to them like there's no tomorrow. They really are funky. They should play their songs at underage discos and stuff. Like, totally.

They looked like they were having fun, and they kept giggling every now and then. Paul Leary is the coolest guitarist ever. With his rectangular glasses and tasteful attire, he looked like he could blend into some kind of band like Weezer or something, until of course he started rubbing his head and looking around like a surprised chicken. His guitar playing is like, what the fuck? How can you think of that stuff? Huh? HUH? God.

Anyway. It's about being a Butthole Surfer.

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