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(diaryland) October 10, 2001 - 9:44 a.m.

I bought lots of CDs today. Here�s what they are:

Weird Revolution by the Butthole Surfers
Lamento D�Arianna by Claude Monteverdi
A bunch of Preludes by Claude Debussy
Souljacker by the Eels
Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1 by Jo Bach

So, I bought two things by people called Claude today. I cannot resist Claude Monteverdi, even when it has a picture of a random man with a combover on the cover, and the Claude Debussy CD has a piece on it I�m going to play for my piano exam. I already play it cooler than the guy on the CD, so that�s good. Claudes always kick arse. If I ever obtain a male child, I would like to call it Claude. I would not like to call it Ken.

I also bought the Jo Bach CD because it�s got a song on it I�m going to play in my piano exam. I had this piece on a tape before, but I lost it. When I went to the CD shop, there were like ten billion Well-Tempered Clavier CDs, so I chose the cheapest one; the only one that sold books one and two seperately. I looked at the back, and it said, �Bla bla bla plays clavichord�. I thought, cool. I wanted some kind of old-skool instrument rather than piano. I like harpsichords a lot. Little did I know that clavichords sound very different to harpsichords.

Clavichords sound like shit. They sound like complete shit, man. I listened to just one prelude and got really depressed. It sounded like someone bashing an empty pepsi can with a cricket bat and the can was screaming in pain. It screamed, �Don�t hurt me! I just want to live!�

The good news is, the CD told me to play my Jo Bach piece way slower than I have been. Slow is good. Kinda. Except for when I accidentally rush notes and start bashing the piano with my fists.

I cannot wait to listen to my holographic Butthole Surfers CD and my enigmatic Eels CD! Super!

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