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(diaryland) September 6, 2001 - 6:27 p.m.

Lately, at work, I�ve become preoccupied with making the saucer on which my coffee mug rests as totally skanky as possible. I don�t really know why I�m doing this. It�s kind of a daft thing to do but it�s not overly daft, and that�s what makes it so disturbing.

  • Actual daft people would get their saucer and tie it around their imaginary apocalypse citrus tree.

  • Normal people would keep their saucer reasonably clean.

    I don�t think I even fit anywhere in between these two extremes. I think it�s probably because I�m really bored and it gives me something to do between writing my diary entries and actually working. There�s lots of congealed sugar stuck to it now and lots and lots of blobs of weeks-old coffee. Sometimes, when I�m lucky, the mug melds itself to the saucer so it comes too when I take a sip. I�m thinking of blobbing on it so much it turns completely dark brown. I suppose I�m also testing out my workmates to see whether they�ll tell me they hate my saucer or wash it without comment instead. Which will happen first?

    It�s not an insane thing to do. It�s not really even an eccentric thing to do. It�s just something to do.

    I�m touching it now. Yum, yum, yum!

    This picture of a cave started off as a picture of a rabid dog. Can you find the rabid dog?

    Cherry Soda [prev | list | join | next]