You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) September 6, 2001 - 9:45 a.m.

We got favourable press! Inpress said they liked the lyrics to our song on Rock n Roll High School Volume 4, which is something, right?

Anyway, I went to see a gig last night with Michele and Jon. We saw Tribal Clown, Matramuta and Resistica. It was fun and nice. Resistica looked kinda daunted for some reason, perhaps because it�s still one of their first gigs with their brand new line-up, but they had no reason to look worried as they kicked arse in the most metallic way. They had nifty looking fans who wore a lot of velvet and other shiny black assorted things. Goth chicks are always cute. The lead guitarist and vocalist, Eva, is particularly good at singing very high in tune and also sounding like some sort of evil poltergeist, however that may sound. Annie�s double-kick drumming was very good. I couldn�t do that wack shit. Not that I�m a drummer or anything. But if I was, I�d have to practice very hard to get that nifty.

Anyway, then we saw Matramuta. I haven�t seen them in a very long time, but last time I�d seen them I was kinda missing the fact that they�d been a four-piece. But this time they were a four-piece again. The new guitarist Tennille, who used to be in Firesign, rocked! She is feedback queen. She looked like she was having fun. They all did, actually. Especially when the drummer, Bridget, stepped out from behind the kit and treated us to a tender ballad, Sex and Alcohol. She sang with passion, bumped and grinded with the rest of the band, and went through a repertoire of thrilling stage moves. Michele thought it was the funniest thing she�d ever seen. She was probably right.

And then we saw Tribal Clown. Goddamn, they have this weird-ass disco-metal-industrial-samba song that can make you shake your booty like you�re in a Q-Tip video. I like it even more than their more, you know, recogniseable songs. Or something. These humans are going to be big, let me tell you. Though if you�d seen them, you�d probably realise. They�ve got the whole nu-metal thing happening, but it�s all tastefully done and leans a little more on neat old-school metal than the nerdy complaint-rap side. They shit all over most of the other silly bands out there like Mudvayne or whatever. And they�re awesome chicks! And awesome dude! Spectacular.

Oh, man! I can�t wait for our gig! But it is still four weeks away.

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