You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 25, 2001 - 6:16 p.m.

Today Rosie and I did yoga. You know that thing where you pay someone to tell you to lie really still? That's the one.

For someone who never exercises, this was like the equivalent to me of a two-hour high-impact aerobics class for a normal person. I was buggered at the end of it. Totally pooped. You had to stretch and stuff. I think I almost broke my hamstrings.

Check this out. Every now and then, the yoga lady would tell us to do some stretchy thing and we'd all do it and you'd hear this almighty SNAP noise go throughout the room as everyone's bones cracked. Man, it was funny.

Later on today, after band practice, we went to Tasty Rooster to stock up on superyum saltychips. I opened the fridge door to get a drink out and a small child's voice yelled, "Hello!" out the fridge at me.

So I shouted "Hello!" back into the fridge. I thought that was the best thing to do.

A mystery game.

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