You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) July 18, 2001 - 10:07 p.m.

Here are some people who I feel weird imagining together:

Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi
Laura Dern and Ben Harper
Enya and Keanu Reeves

I'm not too sure about that last one, but, hey. Some newspaper mentioned it, and I always believe newspapers.

All TV shows and movies are about love. And if they're not, they're about aliens but you get a bonus sideplot about love. And if it's not about aliens or love, it's about naked people running through parks being filmed by grainy hand-held cameras. Which is nice.

I don't understand why so many TV shows and movies are about love when people put quite a lot of thought into what they are going to have for dinner every day and they put quite a lot of thought into how they are going to be rockstars and they put quite a lot of thought into how they're going to keep from getting extremely bored by watching TV shows about love. And then people get blown-out proportions. They think that because most of TV is about love that most of their lives should be about that too. At least eighty percent.

Why am I combing the carpet at my girlfriend's house?

I am doing it for love.

Love happens as often in the day as when you go to the loo and do a big shit and that very feeling you get of extreme satisfaction when you just finish up is how everything should be.

Good, clean fun involving toilet paper.

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