You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) July 17, 2001 - 5:38 p.m.


I stayed at home today because I was sick. My nose dribbled.

Yesterday, on the train, was when this sickness suddenly hit me, full-blown. Runny, watery snot dribbled out of my nose as I realised I had no tissues. Thank goodness I had a newspaper which I pretended to read for the entire train ride. I held it up in front of my face as I swiped at my nose inconspicuously.

Dude, I'm feeling really banal today. I had such a headache. I thought it was because I was sick, so I sat on the couch for a few hours and watched telly. Then I practiced piano and my headache magically went away. The only way I can explain it is that my brain needs stuff to do, and if it doesn't have anything, it gets really mad and starts hurting me. This sucks. Sometimes, I just want to do nothing in particular but I haven't done that for so long. It's like I can't be lazy anymore. Me, just like my parents? Shit.

I can't win. Either I have a headache from not doing anything, or I have a headache from being tired from doing stuff. Complain complain complain.

On a lighter note, I'm organising a gig. And I have tissues.

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