You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) July 14, 2001 - 12:08 p.m.

It was my sister's birthday the other day. I gave her nothing in particular. I don't understand why she isn't mad with me. And I still haven't given Roland an Easter present. Does one see a nasty pattern here?

Yes, that's right; the pattern is that I'm bad at giving people presents.

I'm also very bad at giving people books back. I'm absolutely fine at giving CDs back. That's easy. But books are hard. That nasty two-hundred dollar fine at the university library is kind of evidence or something. I don't understand why I needed to keep ten or so books I couldn't be bothered reading for quite so many months. Books about timber and such things.

Hm. What else am I bad at giving? Nothing else, really.

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