You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) May 4, 2001 - 6:40 p.m.

Barrier between writer and audience dissolution challenge number one: try to incorporate the word �lumber� sensibly into your guestbook entry.


I had a terrible dream last night. It was a dream about our mice. I accidentally cut one of them in half with a plastic box but he was still alive and he stood there on his two front legs in the mouse tank, blinking. Then I went to an athletic meet and won the women�s 100 metre sprint and became famous and went to bed. I�d almost forgotten that I�d cut the mouse in half. Then, the next morning, the other mouse was having babies. Heaps of grey wrinkly mouse babies plopped out. The mouse I had cut in half had rejoined himself together mostly but blood was oozing out his side. But then, all this water appeared in the tank and the mice were swimming and my fish jumped out of his tank and swam around in the air and he dried up.

I used to have dreams that my pets were in trouble all the time, especially fish-swimming-in-air dreams. I hadn�t had one in at least a year. I wonder why they happen.

I really miss my mouse. He was the best fucking mouse ever.

Oh my god my boss is playing the Cuban CD again.

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