You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) April 26, 2001 - 11:21 p.m.

OOH it�s kind of crazy.

I know, I�m kind of wussy in the tired stakes, but I�m a tired kind of gal. That�s my talent. To be too tired to function correctly. But I had other stuff weighing on my mind that made it difficult to get to sleep. Band stuff.

I�m in two bands, right? Well, three, but the third band isn�t a problem here, so ignore it. I play guitar in one band, and bass in the other. The guitar band, Unfolding Mud, is the one I�m in with Michele. Michele is the acest bass player ever, yet the drummer, Diane, seems to prefer washing dishes to drumming in our band. That�s kind of apt, actually, since the first song we ever made up was called �Do the Dishes� (soon to be released internationally � serious!). She�s always too tired to practice, bla bla bla. But, see, Diane LIVES with me. So it�s tricky because I don�t want to piss her off/kick her out of the band.

And Clearway � yikes. I play bass, May plays guitar. She�s a kick-ass guitarist. Lovely little band I have there, except we need a new name because there�s another Clearway. And I have certain issues with this band as well, but not nearly as pressing as the other band. We decided to try the Clearway drummer (let�s call him Jon, as that is his name) for Unfolding Mud too, and it was awesome. Jon is the best drummer ever. But, see, if Jon actually did replace Diane (guilt guilt guilt), then my two bands would have almost exactly the same members. Even though the two bands sound markedly different, we could merge, and that�s probably fairly sensible. But that scares the shit out of me. It seems so logical, but I like having the two bands. If we merged, who�d play bass? Who�d boss everyone else around? Would I have less input in a four-piece? I just get the feeling I�d go nuts somehow. In Unfolding Mud, Michele and I share the songwriting, but in Clearway, it�s basically all May�s stuff. Could May cope with two other people writing shitloads of songs? The way we figure out songs in the two bands is so completely different. I dunno, but I suppose I�d like to try it. I dunno. Argh. Having multiple bands with almost the same members works just fine for the Mr. Bungle/Faxed Head/Secret Chiefs Three etc. crowd, so it could work for me too. But maybe merging is more sensible. Help me. I do not know.

Neither of my bands sound like Soul Decision.

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