You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) February 11, 2001 - 11:01:52

Hello hello. I won't be writing nearly as much as I'd like to in this diary for the next few weeks as I've moved into a house with a computer that's only just scraping by with Windows 3.11. There's no way we can get internet on it because it dies every now and then for absolutely no reason anyway. It does have a cool strategy game on it, though. You have a bunch of jewels, and the computer has a bunch of jewels, and the point of the game is to kick the computer's ass by stealing the computer's jewels. Awesome.

Anyway, so, yeah. I have moved in with Diane and it's fun. I bought groceries yesterday. I bought corn and nail clippers.

Last night, I went to a party in a beer garden, but I didn't have any beer. But that's beside the point. Everyone else was having beer, so it didn't really matter. In fact, so much beer was consumed that I was used as a human shield for projectile peanuts. Roland threw a peanut at his friend Graeme, but it landed in my eye. The salt from the peanut made me cry lopsidedly and I decided I wasn't going to pursue my human shield career anymore. It's just not worth it, man. It's low pay.

I got to see Adrian, an old friend, for the first time in ages. He works six nights a week, so just about everyone was beginning to think he was just a figment of everyone's collective imagination. But, nope - he's real. He said that where he works (which is a service/gas station), everyone is in competition to see who is the most hardcore employee. He said that one dude did this for a month:

  • Six hour shift
  • One hour lunch break (3:00AM approx)
  • Eight hour shift
  • Run home and sleep for one hour
  • Six hour shift
  • Repeat at least thirty times

    Now, that's pretty hardcore, I said. It sounds like university.

    Anyway, that's all from me today. Tonight, I'm going to sleep, and tomorrow begins my very first day at work as an architect. I have the huge task of colouring in a picture. Maybe I'll get to draw straight lines too if I'm good. Yay!

    Cherry Soda [prev | list | join | next]