You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) February 4, 2001 - 07:19:58

I went to my own housewarming party on Saturday. I had to go to it, because I'm not moved in yet. That should be happening on Tuesday. Have I mentioned this before in my diary at all? I'm moving in to Diane's house. She is the drummer in my band. But, anyway, I spent fifty bucks on alcohol and it was very ouchey. I didn't drink any, but one of the bottles smashed in the car so I kinda passively inhaled coffee liquor before the party even started. We also spent a substantial amount of money on silly hats, but only a couple of people ended up wearing them, which was rather a disappoinment.

First, I played on the drumkit that's in my new house but belongs to someone else for an hour, then people came.

The people that came were all fun and nice. There wasn't that much mingling between groups, though. Diane's friends and my friends sat in different spots, and someone drank most of the vodka, but we still can't work out who it was. As housewarming presents, I/Diane got an egg timer with a pig on it, a Bad Badz-Maru tray, two plastic cups, spices, and a Basil plant. I had a dream last night that I had two Basil plants, but in reality I only have one.

Diane got completely drunk and she danced to Do You Think I'm Sexy? by the Revolting Cocks. Then we watched the film City of Lost Children, and then everyone except Diane was very tired - one of us was even already asleep. It was about 4AM then. I went to bed in the room that's going to be mine, and I got the most stupendous sleep ever. It was glorious. The curtains were thick, there were no crazy noisy people in the house; bliss, man.

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