You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) January 25, 2001 - 14:23:21

In this absolutely horrible humid sticky weather we're having on the wrong side of the world, I haven't been doing very much at all except frequent air-conditioned cinemas, complain and lie around on the couch watching tennis. I've watched a lot of tennis. Ooh, another thing I did recently was use the word 'stalemate' in a conversation.

But, anyway, more tennis. I've taken a huge liking to the ball-children. They are cool, and they wear blue clothes. I like the ones who hold the balls and throw them to the players when they need them. They hold their precious ball high into the air like one of them guys who hold their arms up into the air for months on end for religious purposes. Maybe they feel kinda similar about it. Anyway, that made no sense at all. Kiss me, I'm humid.

I really like the ball children that stand right near the end of the net, stock still. They remind me of the twins from The Shining.


OK. I'm beginning to get really pissed off at people who think I'm annoyed when I'm not. It makes me really annoyed, which makes them right. I'm off to kill me some family members now.

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