You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) January 22, 2001 - 18:10:33

Oh, I can't be bothered about writing about spiders anymore. Suffice to say, there was one.

I've been reading my old diary from when I was seventeen and whatnot. Some bits I cannot read because they're painful. They're mostly things like, "I like Daniel so much. He is evil and called me a witch and I want to flick rubber bands with him all day." Or "Roland is popular and cool and I want to commit random acts of violence and hope he asks me out." Or "Boys are evil. I like them." Or "I think Andrew looked at my foot today. JOY!" Or "Rosie and I had a fight today." And so on. Yeah. But some bits are funny. When I saw Faith No More, I wrote that I "almost vomited from joy and heat." That made me laugh. That's all about my old diary for now.

I cannot express to you how much I enjoy the humble shirt. I have many of them, and I like to wear them. I have a lot of blue shirts. I have boy shirts and girl shirts. Wearing shirts makes me feel like I'm expressing my political ideologies for some reason. I feel like people look at me and say, "Wa-hey. She is wearing a shirt. She must be a democratic socialist." This euphoric feeling is enhanced when I wear glasses.

Here are some paintings of me.

Me as a peasant. This was painted by William Holman Hunt. I'm the peasant in the middle.
This is me watching my small TV. This was painted by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Just a cool picture of me. There's good light and shadow in this one. This too was done by Rossetti.

Finding yourself in old paintings is fun! Everyone should do it! I'm going to look around some more. I did a self-portrait once, and I'll post that up too soon.

Goodbye for now, loyal fans.

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