You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) November 26, 2000 - 13:24:17

Right now, my Dad is tying up newspapers, listening to the horse races, and singing I want to break free by Queen.

Sometimes, old people can be a real hazard because they scurry around in the gutters holding their rakes out. I think they want to trip cars over. This happened to me twice today. I had to literally swerve to miss their rakes, and one time it was on a main road. Both times, there were hardly any leaves in the gutter to rake up anyway. I had to swerve a lot to miss the old lady and her green rake, who stared wildly at me as I zoomed past in an arc. She was holding her green rake out into the middle of the road like it was a weapon. If anyone should have been staring wildly, it should have been me. Hmph. But everything was OK because I was listening to the Deftones (my official driving music).

Yesterday morning, I went out with Rosie and we ate free blueberry pancakes, because she knew a chick who was like the manager there or something. It was cool, because I would have had to have paid at least thirteen dollars. We must use this gift wisely. Mwa-hahahaaaaaaaaaaa! Mmmm. Free pancakes. Rosie is cool, but sometimes guys say really idiotic things to her.

I played Romance in F by Beethoven on the violin and Prelude number 4 by Chopin (as seen on Madame Bovary!) on the piano to my aunty today and she liked it. It was almost fun.

My illustrious band, Unfolding Mud, will be recording two groundbreaking songs in a small house full of know-it-all dudes on Wednesday! I'm attempting to be excited, but right now all I have is a nasty headache.

My guitar teacher broke her leg. She was drunk.

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