You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) September 4, 2000 - 14:57:10

Today I got a big fat zero for an assignment. I don't understand how I got a zero when I actually did some of the things right. I mean, it was obvious I had done a pretty bad job, but you'd think since I did actually get some things right I'd get at least a 2 or something.

I wish I cared about my architecture degree. But I don't. At least, I think I don't. I want to finish it, but I wish it had already finished. The assignment was for Architectural Practice A. I hate all my subjects except for Cinema Studies and that's not even an architecture subject. Before I got my assignment back I actually rather enjoyed Architectural Practice A every now and again, and I'll try not to completely hate it still because that would just be immature. I gotta get through this year, and then I'll have a degree, but I gotta get there first. The assignment was only worth ten percent.

A lot of people in my class obviously have a real passion for architecture. A lot of people in my class have a talent for design. I'm not either of those. I'm just the person who puts everything off to the last minute and feels like architecture is a chore. I paint myself into a corner all the time.

All I really want to do is be in five bands and make a living from music. Sometimes I wish that someone would come up from behind while I'm walking down the street and just shoot me in the head. One of the two. I'm opting for musician today. It's less drastic.

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