You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 13, 2000 - 20:03:15

I'm listening to Slovenian radio right now. There's some crazy jazz playing right now. Before, there was this dude who kept saying stuff really quickly and squealing and things. I think it was performance art. It was good. Now there's a bomb alert siren.

Yesterday, Rosie and I went to meet Michele at a big pasta restaraunt. We were in my parents' big-ass station wagon, and I was driving it. We were doing fine until we got to the carpark of the big pasta restaraunt, and we saw that it was completely full. We decided to go down this little alleyway at the back of the carpark so we could go park on the street or something. Only it wasn't a little alleyway. It was the LONGEST alleyway ever. We kept going and going along it, as there was no way of turning around, and there was no way I was going to drive backwards. So we kept going along this lonely little skinny alleyway till we came to the end of it. There was another skinny alleyway going across. Left or right? Hm. Both looked the same. So, we went left, I think. We went all the way down the end of this skinny little alleyway, with scary brown-grey fences on both sides, and then the same thing happened. So we went all the way down the new exciting similar alleyway. By this time we were feeling really, really, really lost. Then we came to the end of this alleyway, and there was a sharp turn. I got stuck there.

I'm really bad at manouvering the car. It's a big car. It has bad steering. I'm a bad driver. I thought we were going to die there in the middle of the alley maze. Rosie laughed a little bit. I wondered what Michele, sitting all alone in the restaraunt waiting for us, thought we were doing. I was stressing out big time. I really hate being late for stuff. I also really hate getting the car wedged in alleyways. Rosie told me to calm down and to reverse the car a tad while swirling the steering wheel around a special way. It worked.

We were off down the new dark scary alleyway, but there was light at the end this time. Phew. Finally, we had found the exit to the maze. I was sweaty. The road we ended up on was strange, but it was a main road. We drove a bit, and we actually ended up parking quite near the restaraunt. We went in, met Michele, and then ate a lot.

Since I started writing this diary entry, I've listened to a lot of radio stations. This one I'm lstening to is a gothic one. There's some chicks singing really high. I think I'll change the channel again.

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