You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) July 11, 2000 - 15:57:56

A few days ago, I dropped a whole bunch of pins on my violin. I was bummed out. I didn't practice this week, and that was part of the reason. I had my violin lesson today. The pins are all over my floor now.

Last night, I had a dream. I dreamt that it was the end of the world. My dream was set a wee bit into the future - December 31, 2000. I was on the couch (a couch I'd never seen before, but, nevertheless, my couch), watching the TV. There was a news report about how the general population was reacting to the news that the world was ending. Some people were really calm about it. I guessed that most of that sort of people were the religious ones. Others were crying uncontrollably. For some inexplicable reason, there was looting in the streets. Why, I don't know. If the world was about to end, I wouldn't be looting. There's no point. Anyway, there was just general chaos.

The end of the world was scheduled to happen at midnight, as is the case with most world-end predictions. It's neater that way. Me and my family went outside to experience the world's end face on. We decided that it would be more enjoyable to be outside when it happened. We stood in the street. By this time, it was midnight. The sky began to swirl destructively. Lightning flashed all over the place. It was really windy, and people were standing in the street with us, just watching it.

After a while, I got bored. There was a lot of impressive swirling, but it got a bit repetitive. I wondered how long it would take. I tried to look interested, like everyone else, or at least frightened, like everyone else. I stifled a yawn. There was not much point in the stifling, because the almighty gusty apocalypse noise was utterly deafening, and no-one was looking at me anyway.

After about half an hour, the swirling and the destruction died down, the streetlights came back on, and there was an announcement over the PA system conveniently installed in our street. "The world has officially ended." Cool. I went back inside, sat back down on the couch, flicked on the TV, and watched a Buffy episode.

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