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(diaryland) July 3, 2000 - 18:21:01

Dude, I am sore. Real sore. My back is very, very sore. I think it was from sitting up straight for too long on Saturday night, after the Prostitute Play I went to. I was at this place called the Sahara Bar - the sort of place that people with long, curly moustaches and/or black skivvies hang out. It's the sort of place that is just bare brick and broken windows. The fact that everything is cheapo and broken and mismatched makes it more attractive to the poetesque besuited wanky types that congregate there. Nevertheless, I liked it. I was being nice to the other people I went with and opted to sit on a bench instead of a chair with a back on it for a couple of hours. It was not a wise idea. That's where I think I got my sore back, but it only started being sore the next day.

I've always had a pretty crap back. I used to crack my spine all the time. Actually, I haven't done that in years. I just did it then. Anyway, once I was in Maths class in high school, and I did a massive spine-crack. All of a sudden, I couldn't sit up. It hurt a lot. The small of my back just went nuts and sprayed pain all over my body. There wasn't much I could do. I just walked around like I needed to go to the toilet for the rest of the day.

That was about five years ago. My back has never been this sore. Other bits of my back are being sore just from trying to stand up straightish. It's like a vicious circle.

Oh, yeah. And my eyes are sore too. They get sore when I'm hungry. I just ate dinner, though, so they should be OK soon.

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