You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) August 01, 2011 - 12:47 p.m.

I went to the Hellenic Museum on the weekend. I probably shouldn't have, because it is impossible not to see the museum as completely pissweak if you had actually been in Greece itself the week before. They had a couple of bits of broken pottery in the museum, and some photos of people shaking hands with Jeff Kennett. Basically, that was it. This was crap compared to last week. Last week, I saw Alexander the Great's COUCH.

*sort of. it was more a couch he got made for his dad's grave. but i saw his dad's actual grave.*

The best part about the Hellenic museum, however, was all the captions for the ancient coins they had. They would all invariably say something along the lines of:

Demotrecles the Great lived at this time. On the coin you can see the laurel thing common on coins of this era. etc. etc. etc.

Demotrecles, along with his entire family, except for his mother, was brutally assassinated in 110 CE by his mother.

They'd all end like that. Someone they knew killed them. Or they'd kill someone they knew. Alexander the Great's Mum tried to kill his Dad, in fact, or did kill his Dad. I lost track. I've never seen the movie, starring Colin Farrell.

Crazy times, man. Crazy times.

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