You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) January 22, 2010 - 10:58 a.m.

I saw the exceedingly boring two-part TV movie of Stephen King's It once, when I was probably about 16 or so. Roland watched it yesterday and in the evening, he told me the whole story and it was yet again so amazing to me that every movie I've ever seen can be wiped from my memory, so the storyline was all new to me. Even movies I really like are the same. If I give something about two years, I'll retain on average about three visual snapshots of the movie, and maybe some useless fragment of storyline like, "he got in the bath."

Anyway, this entry was not really supposed to be about that. It was supposed to be more about the 'Losers Club' of kids in the movie and how I was in a similar yet exceedingly short-lived gang in Grade One, but we were called the Tough Club. I think I've written about this before, but, tough. You know?

We would meet at Anthony's house, which was a couple of streets away from my place (you had to go past the front yard in which I was to do a heaving diarrhea at nightfall at the age of 21). Anthony's family had a really cool backyard. It was viney and big, and it had a swing in it maybe.

I don't remember who was in the club except for me, Anthony and Melody, who I think left our school after Grade One. She never had the actual uniform of our school; just a generic one. She wore it on Saturdays. We'd play in the yard, then get bored, and I told my Mum about how we didn't really have any structure to our club meetings. She came over one time with me and we all made felt bookmarks with faces and glued googly eyes on them. That was probably the highlight of our club.

The club broke up soon after that.

I wrote a diary entry about that when I was 6. I really should look that up.

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