You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


older/gbook/>>(in case of__)__//before&after ___my youtube__...
My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) August 25, 2008 - 10:48 a.m.

I finally went beyond having a Learn Welsh podcast and a piano student's collection of rap on my iPod and thought of 77 songs to put on there last night. Now my iPod is kool. What other iPod contains, amongst zillions of other brilliant gems, the succulent delights of Gang of Four, Handel and Rhianna? Your iPod does? Oh, well. Good for you.

I also put the Beverly Hills 90210 theme on there. I'm yet to know why. I believe it will be revealed unto me in a dream.

OK, so I've decided how my funeral is going to go. People will file into the hall (haven't decided where yet, but it's going to be minimalist), and then some unseen guy will wait for everyone to go silent and will fire up the CD player to pump out Spiegel Im Spiegel by Arvo P�rt. Meanwhile, there is a huge screen that has a slide show of my entire life, starting from when I was born all the way to me lying there on my deathbed. If that doesn't reduce everybody to blubbering messes, then they're emotionless shells.

Hey, also, I am officially the coolest human ever. I did a vanity search of myself on Google, and discovered I had been quoted in an academic book on punk music. What the hell? I'm not even trying anymore, and this is what happens.

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