You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) August 09, 2007 - 10:16 p.m.

I spent Sunday giving out misinformation at Open Day at Monash University. I was employed as a student representative and was forced to wear a huge, wrinkly t-shirt that said "Monash Arts" on it.

I stood behind a table, and when people asked me if they'd be able to do Music/Science as a double degree, I said, "Yes. You could even do Music/Animal Husbandry if you want." Neither of these things are actually possible. It's a good thing I'm finishing at the end of this year or else next year, the new first years I told lies to would recognise me at uni and start zooming after me with pitchforks and stuff.

As payment, I got a fifty dollar coles/myer voucher. I mought some pants, a pair of pyjamas and some watercolour paints.

Right now, I am reading a book about animals that was written in about 1200. I am reading about an animal called the Bonnacon. It is my kind of animal. It lives in Asia, and it's pretty much like a large bull, but it has a mane like a horse. It's got curly horns, but the most distinguished thing about it is that it has a remarkable fart that can cover three whole acres and sting everything in that area. The fart can also light fires. There's an action illustration with gilt background of a couple of guys in chainmail getting hit point blank by the orange stench of the bonnacon. It's so cute.

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