You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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My novel 2004.. My novel 2006.. My novel 2008..

(diaryland) February 11, 2005 - 5:27 p.m.

Please, Lord, I never want to play two gigs in one night again.

Both gigs were plagued by technical problems, and parking was kind of hard at the second one, and also for some reason I had agreed to wear those silly antennae things with the silver glittery balls on the ends. Why did I agree to that? WHY? I threw them off after the second song at the first gig and they were never seen again.

Fuck, I was tired. In the second gig we played, I had to sit on a barstool, crammed between a barrel and a drum kit that we weren't even using. Then, the next thing I knew, our bass player whipped off his bass and started playing the drums instead just because they were THERE. He wasn't very good.

Then, I was tired and grumpy. One girl said she liked the gig because I was visually attractive, which made me feel worse. I wish we had been aurally attractive instead.

The thing that I hate the most, though, is couples who walk around with jumpers tied around their shoulders.

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