You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) November 17, 2002 - 9:39 a.m.

I saw Badlands at the cinema last night.

We went to a cinema where the seats were very uncomfortable. Maybe they were all like that in the olden days. This made us surly, but it didn't do that to anyone else. We moved seats four times, because people kept sitting in front of us and were all tall at us. They even sat in front of us if we had our stinky feet on the seats in front.

Oh, yeah, the movie. It was directed by Terence Malick. He directed The Thin Red Line, and just one other movie apart from those two. What a slacker. I fucking hated The Thin Red Line. I thought it was the most silly, long piece of lameness ever. I wrote a review of it in this diary once. Promise.

But this movie was pretty good. It was funny. Martin Sheen played a stupid guy so well, he pissed me off. Sissy Spacek seemed pretty relaxed about things during the whole movie, which was nice.

It was just a cute and nice movie, with killings and stuff. I liked it when he killed the football. I wondered what would happen if they got a flat tyre in the desert, which seemed likely. I don't really know what else to say, because usually I'll like a movie a hell of a lot, or hate it. Or at least hate the ending. So I'd have something to talk about.

I liked the ending in this movie.

This movie was made in 1973.

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