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(diaryland) October 28, 2002 - 2:57 p.m.

My Design Project.

I was at school.

I personally know that I've hit the wall when I can hear the birds chirping outside.

I used to hit the wall at about 2AM, in my early days. But that was when I was hitting the inferior, "Oh, I can't be arsed doing this crap anymore" wall. It wasn't the real wall.

The real wall is when you realise that any work you do from now on is just going to make your design a whole heap worse. When you know you'll think spelling mistakes make your project look more artistic. When you think the fact you have drawn something very ugly makes you feel strange yet satisfied. When you stare at a drawing of a bathroom for a very long time, then put the basin somewhere which means you can't get into the shower anymore. It's an ugly basin anyway.

My wrist was twitching.

So, at 5:15 AM I threw in the towel, crawled to my car and went home. At 5:53 AM I drove into my driveway after courteously waiting for the paper children to cycle past. Then, at a later stage in that same minute, I drove over the garden wall. I must have been really tired.

It's the first time I've hit a real wall.

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