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(diaryland) October 21, 2002 - 3:23 p.m.

At the moment, my happiness seems to hang onto this one totally random person, and it's kind of weird.

But that is what happens when you are a turdmeister.

Anyway, Rosie sent all her friends this thingo. Since I have no friends, I am going to post my version here. YAY!

Time: 3:24 PM.

Date: 21st October 2002

Name on birth certificate: Turdmeister IV

Age: 24

Birthday: September 19, severnty-aight.

School: Mount Waverley high school.

Location: Mount Waverley, Melbourne, Autsralia.

E-mail: [email protected]

Eyes: brown.

Hair: orange.

Height: 176 cm. I is kinda tall.

Shoe Size: ten.

Brothers/Sisters: Two sisters. Lisa and Sarah. Both younger.

Who lives with you: Two humans, a mouse and a fish. They are called Roland, Diane, Pinstripe and Astrid respectively.

Whenz ur bedtime?: After midnight, usually.

Have you ever?

Ever been so drunk you blacked out: I don't know. If you mean not remembering stuff, then, yo.

Missed school B/coz it was raining: Probably. But usually I have no reason.

Put a body part on fire for amusement: No, but I used to like sticking sewing needles into my fingers. It didn't hurt.

Been hurt emotionally: Who the fuck has not?

Kept a secret from everyone: Sure.

Had an imaginary friend: Not an official one.

Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yep.

Cried during a Movie?: Only when I am a lame-ass.

Had a crush on a teacher: Nope. But sometimes I wished they were my friends.

Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Not really.

Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No, goddamnit!

Been on stage: Yo.

Cut your hair: Often.


Shampoo: Some herbal thingo.

Soap: Cheapo.

Colour : Green. Green rocks so much. It is a comfy, nature colour.

Day/Night: Night. With stars and shit.

Summer/Winter: Autumn!

Lace or satin: Fucked if I know.

Fave cartoon Character: The Tick.

Fave Food: Food.

Fave Advert: Cup 'o' noodle!!!!!!!! (with the cavemen)

Fave Movies: Welcome to the Dollhouse, Blow-Up, Cabaret, Metropolis, etc. etc, Bill and Ted.

Fave Ice Cream: Vanilla. I is boring.

Fave Subject: Cinema studies!!!!!!

Fave 'normal' Drink: Iced coffee.

Fave Person to talk to online: Uh, I dunno. I like Diaryland chat.

Right Now

Wearing: Stinky top, stinky pants, stinky shoes.

Hair is: long, wavy and red. As per usual.

I'm feeling: Like total shit.

Eating: Nothing.

Drinking: Nothing.

Thinkin bout: How I have to do a whole heap of homework.

Listening to: my sister laugh at the TV.

Talkin 2: No-one.

In the Last 24 Hours

Cried: Nope.

Worn jeans: Nope.

Met someone New: Nope, but I bought an ice cream off some dude at the cinema.

Cleaned your room: Nope. You must be joking.

Drove a car: Yo.

Do You Believe In

Yourself: Yeah. I'm like, real.

Your friends: One or two. The rest kinda do things that make me feel sad sometimes. That is such a high school thing to say. Yuck.

Santa Claus: Nope.

Tooth Fairy: Nope. I saw my Mum be the tooth fairy once.

Destiny/Fate: Not really.

Angels: Nope. I still like the idea of them, though. People with wings and no genatalia rock.

Ghosts: Nope, but that does not mean I get scared about stuff like that.

Friends and Life

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Yes! I have one of the latter.

Do you like anyone: Yes.

Who have u known the longest of your friends: Rosemary Joy.

Who's the loudest: Adrian.

Who's the shyest: Diane, maybe? But she isn't shy. I don't have any shy friends, really.

Who's the weirdest: Uh, May.

Who do you go to for stuff: Rosie.

When you cried the most: When I accidentally forgot to go to an exam. I'm a wee bit of a loser.

What's the best feeling in the world: Strolling around at night with a good friend.

Worst feeling in the world: When someone doesn't care about you at all, but they used to, and you really wish they still did. It makes me want to go, "Gwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!" And that's a bad thing.

Who sent this 2u: Rosemary Joy.

Finished = 3:45 PM.

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