You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) August 22, 2002 - 1:20 p.m.

Tonight will be a big night. It will be my first life drawing class.

I hope naked man will be there.
I hope naked man will be there.
I hope naked man will be there.

In other news, last night we played a battle of the bands. We didn't win because no-one comprehended the extent of our genius.

I just spelt the word 'genius' wrong, but I fixed it up.

In yet other news, I'm reading a good book. It's called Trilby and it's by George du Maurier. It's quite a cute little book because it's written in English by a French guy, so it says things like, "The night was all-round super-excellent," and stuff like that. Here is some more, from page 59.

"Ha! ha! that is le grande Drilpy, who would not listen to Svengali, but looked at the chimney-pots when he told her of his manly love, and-"


"I am thirsting for those so beautiful chest-notes! Come!"

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