You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) February 17, 2002 - 12:44 p.m.

Woah. I watched about seven or eight hours of TV yesterday. It was insane.

Firstly, I watched a show about secret passages. Lots of houses had them. Some of them were scary.

Next, I watched a show about something. I forgot what it was.

Then I watched a show about crash test dummies. Before crash test dummies were made, sometimes they used anaesthetised pigs and then after they'd bashed them on stuff, they'd kill them and barbecue them for lunch. Sometimes they used human corpses. They showed footage of corpses being smashed into things. It was scary.

Then I watched a show that said, "You aren't getting enough sleep. You suck." This contradicted what I'd read in the newspaper the other day that said people who get less than eight hours sleep per night live longer. I liked the newspaper better. I stopped watching the show.

I then watched a show about car crashes, but was pretty much fed up with seeing stuff get hurt in slo-mo.

Then I watched a show about Vlad Lenin. I learned things about when he was a kid, and they showed a picture of him in disguise without his beard. Wow!

Then we watched a taped "Whose Line is it Anyway". It made me laugh.

Then I watched a show about something-or-other. I forgot.

Then I watched a "Tracey Takes On". Roland and I couldn't figure out what she was taking on because we missed the start.

Then we watched "Trailer Park Boys". It was the first time Roland had seen it. He liked it.

Then I went to bed and fell unconscious. I don't think I dreamed about TV.

What a fricking waste of a day.

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