You think we're dancing? ... That's all we've ever done.


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(diaryland) January 01, 2002 - 10:06 p.m.

Here is my new year, as shown in pictures.

This is Graeme. He is bonding with a cat.

This is Albert. He is cutting up shit, yo.

This is a cockroach. It is having a child. It's kind of hard to see, since the cockroach is very small in the picture. But trust me. The child is red.

This is Tristan. He way too fucking close to the camera.

This is a shot Roland took of the fireworks we saw. This is, like, not a good picture.

This is also not a good picture. It is a shot of the sky Roland took. He tried to get some streamers into it, but that didn't turn out.

This is Graeme whirling around some girl who told everyone how drunk she was a lot.

This is Amanda. She is cutting up shit, yo.

This amazing shot was taken when Roland dropped the camera and thought it was broken. Nice!

This is a shot I took of Tristan, Rosie and Roland. Isn't it a nice photo? It is fun to take photos.

After the film ran out, people started throwing salad, mostly on Graeme. I don't know why.

Anyway, I had a fun New Year. I hope you did too. I'm going to South Australia for a few days, so I'll see you when I get back. Bye bye!

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